Though the emphasis at WBC is rightfully on tournaments, our space and days dedicated to Open Gaming continues to expand, along with our Game Library. This year, the 11,771 sq ft Exhibit Hall and 3,774 sq ft Exhibit Annex of the Convention Center are 100% dedicated to Open Gaming, Demos and the Games Library for the entire nine days of WBC.
The BPA is continuing to update our Game Library with new games. Additions for 2022 include Apiary, Dominion: Plunder, Earth, Heat, Hooky, Nucleum, Onus Traianus, Quirky Quarks, Redwood, and Skyrise. In order to accommodate this, the library will no longer be carrying significant copies of games to support the tournaments. If you wish to play in the tournaments, please remember to bring a copy of the game if possible. The list of games in the library can be found at our game library page.
LOCATION: The Exhibit Hall is 100% dedicated to Open Gaming, Demos and the WBC Game Library. Open Gaming is available from Saturday, July 20, at 9:00 am, through Sunday, July 28, at 2:00 pm. The Open Gaming Library is available from Saturday, July 20, at 12:00 pm, through Saturday, July 27, at 11:00 pm. Open Gaming closes nightly at midnight. Seasons will be available for Open Gaming on Sunday, July 31 from 2:00pm to 10:00 pm.
ADMISSION: Please note that use of the Open Gaming Area is identical to WBC admission requirements; i.e., a current WBC badge. Spectators may transit the room free of charge but are not allowed to use any table space to play or watch games in progress. In short, if you are using the room’s resources (tables/chairs), you are required to wear a current WBC badge. This applies to children as well as adults with the exception that toddlers and infants under close adult supervision may accompany their parents free of charge. Children roaming free require a WBC badge. Open Gaming for Juniors without an adult badge is restricted to the Juniors Room in Hemlock or a juniors badge being accompanied by a person with an adult badge.
EXHIBITS: Certain tables in the Exhibit Hall have been set aside for the exclusive use of our paid exhibitors to show their products. These tables are marked with tablecloths naming the publishers and are not to be used for other purposes. Other exhibits are strictly forbidden.
DEMONSTRATIONS/PREVIEWS: The first rows of tables in the Exhibit Annex as well as the round table in row 2 are reserved for tutorials by GMs for their events and demonstrations by publishers/designers of their new designs. Each such table is marked with an appropriate schedule. Do not use these tables when scheduled for other uses.
SCHEDULE: So as not to lose track of time, a constantly updated rotating schedule announcing the minutes remaining to the next event starts elsewhere in the Convention Center and adjacent Ski Lodge is projected from the stage behind the library. Attendees in the Open Gaming Area enjoy free use of the expanded BPA Game Library for use throughout the convention until Saturday, July 27, 11 pm. The library signed out more than 1,800 games last year.
OPEN GAMING KIOSKS: The Library also contains Open Gaming Kiosks which you may borrow to aid in finding playing partners. Just set the kiosk on your table with the game box atop it denoting the game for which you seek players. The kiosks are color-coded to aid in your search: red kiosks denote experienced players, yellow kiosks denote they will teach you how to play, and green kiosks seek someone to show them how to play.
- A current WBC badge must be worn and visible at all times.
- Tables abandoned for more than one hour will be cleared and their contents sent to Lost & Found in Stag Pass.
- Tables must be vacated if there is no gaming taking place on them.
- No sales, solicitations, or commercial signage of any kind are allowed except by licensed exhibitors.
- Monitors with red volunteer ribbons will be on duty throughout library hours.
- Monitors will do room sweeps daily checking for badges. Aid them and avoid interruption by wearing your badge.
- Hourly sweeps will be made to check for tables that are not in proper use. Leaving games unattended for more than an hour, whether setup as a display or piled to “save” the table is improper use. Tables are to be used solely for the purpose of ongoing play.
- A “parking ticket” will be issued to any occupied table where ongoing gaming is not taking place. If the offense is still present one hour later, the contents will be sent to Lost & Found in Stag Pass. We assume no responsibility for lost or disorganized pieces that have to be moved for this offense.
- The WBC Game Library will be available starting on Saturday, July 20 at 12:00 pm. It will be available daily from 9:00 am until midnight. The Library will close for packing at 11:00 pm on Saturday, July 27.
- NOTE: Although Open Gaming will be available starting at 9 am, Saturday, July 20 the library will not be set up until 12:00 pm that day. Thus, anyone who plans to depend on the library for games should NOT plan on attending before 12:00 pm on July 20 or after 11:00 pm on July 27.
- Library games are available for free check out and play solely in the Exhibit Hall.
- Games appear in approximate alphabetical order, with numerical titles such as "1989", coming before the letter “A”. The words “A”, "The” or “An” at the beginning of a title are ignored.
- Expansions are kept inside or with their parent game.
- A system of signs and clipboards assist in locating and returning games.
- When the library is closed, it will be covered by tablecloths. Do not remove tablecloths to return or borrow games.
- Please treat our games with care so that we may continue to offer this resource. Ensure that all components are placed in the box appropriately. If pieces are missing, list them. Better yet, give the game to a monitor after you check the game back in and notify them about any missing pieces. Extra Storage baggies for game pieces will be provided at the monitor desk for any games that need pieces organized and stored.
- Games in the inventory can be found on the game library page.
- Borrowing a game either for play or inspection of contents is a loan requiring checkout. Loans are limited to one game per person at a time.
- Library checkout sheets will be attached to lettered clipboards matching nearby lettered alphabetic signs.
- Complete one line on the checkout sheet for a game checkout. No abbreviations. Print legibly.
- Upon return, note the time and condition of the game in the same line used for the checkout of that game on that same clipboard.
- Return games by midnight. If past midnight, please sign game back in and place game behind the monitor desk.
- Games may not leave the Exhibit Hall. [EXCEPTION FOR TOURNAMENT GAMES: The tournament GM must inform the monitor on duty that the games are for the tournament. The monitor will record the GM’s name, badge number, and the number of games taken.] The library, however, will no longer carry more than 2 of any game, even tournament games, so attendees should make sure they understand the WBC rules that those who bring a copy of the game take precedent if there is a shortage of games for a tournament.
FINAL LIBRARY INVENTORY: The 11:00 pm return deadline will be strictly enforced on Saturday for inventory and storage of the library. Inventory will start at 11:00 pm and all checkouts will cease at that time. ALL GAMES MUST BE RETURNED AT 11:00 pm. |