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WBC 2024 Winners

 Event Winner
7 WondersGochnauer, Aaron
7 Wonders DuelKatz, Chris
878 VikingsSchneider, David
1775Wolff, Jack
18xxBeard, Bruce
1930de Bellefeuille, Francois
A World at WarMiller, Brad
Ace of AcesBurch, William
AcquireAlfieri, Tony
Across SuezColeman, Terry
Adel VerpflichtetMeyaard, David
Advanced CivilizationSpencer, Jay
Afrika KorpsSinigaglio, Bruno
Age of RenaissaneMullally, Theodore
AgricolaMartin, Andrew
Air BaronKircher, Rob
AlhambraGutermuth, Debbie
Amun ReFlowers, Rob
Ark NovaNiu, Bowen
ASL Starter KitPulhamus, Derek
Atlantic StormBuetikofer, Eric
Attack SubNicholson, Dennis
AuctionMonnin, Bruce
AutomobileBorton, DJ
AzulLiu, Hsiu-Ping
B-17Gallagher, Patrick
Battle CryHeintzelman, Geoff
Battle for GermanyCota, Bruce
Battle LineMcCulloch, Sean
Battles of the Am RevDoane, Rob
Beyond the SunWu, Jeff
Bitter WoodsGregorio, Tom
Bleeding KansasTrimmer, Chris
Border ReiversDickerson, Bill
BoxcarsJackson, Jeff
BrassNaylor, Jonathan
Breakout NormandyThompson, Nels
BritanniaFlachsenhar, Clifford
Can't StopKaltman, Aaron
CarcassonnePowers, Aubrey
CascadiaWoods, Bronwyn
Castles of BurgundyTircuit, Anastasia
Castles of Mad King LudwigEmerick, Andrew
CatanSchilb, Randy
Catan: Cities & KnightsGnech, Chris
Championship Formula RacingSchultz, Jason
CharioteerKalmbacher, Chris
Circus MaximusGalullo, Doug
Combat CommanderWagner, Nathan
Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsDeWitt, Brian
Commands & Colors: Samurai Battlesde Bary, Ed
ConcordiaJiang, Allan
Conquest of ParadiseWeir, Erin
CrokinoleMorris, Zacary
DiplomacyElkins, Dan
DominionD'Tela, Sceadeau
DunePowers, Aidan
Dune ImperiumIsgur, Ben
EgiziaSwinson, Michael
El GrandeFox, Jay
Empire BuilderJackson, Jeff
Enemy in SightMiller, Jeff
Euphrat & TigrisWolff, Ray
EverdellThiessen, Matthew
EvolutionDuBoff, Max
Facts In FiveArvey, Jason
Fire in the LakeTamburo, Joel
Five TribesWolff, Sam
Football StrategyGalullo, Doug
For the PeoplePei, James
Formula DePeeples, Stephen
Galaxy TruckerMoffitt, Craig
GangstersBuccheri, Robert
Great Campaigns of the ACWSmith, Doug
Great Western TrailHenning, Nicholas
Hannibal: Rome vs CarthageTrimmer, Chris
HeatGochnauer, Aaron
Here I StandKiefte, Michael
History of the WorldHansen, Ty
Imperial StruggleDrueding, Tom
IngeniousMeyer, Jeff
InnovationBoone, Keith
IvanhoeGardner, Monica
JamSumoMeyaard, David
John CompanyLaDue, Grant
King of TokyoPowers, Tegan
KremlinHurd, Adam
Las VegasShea, Jordan
Leaping LemmingsBoone, Keith
Liar's DiceShea, Lynda
Lords of WaterdeepStalica, Jack
Lost CitiesDavis, Heather
Lost Ruins of ArnakHenning, Nicholas
March MadnessMullet, Jeff
MBTJongeling, Ronald
MediciRoeper, Sean
Memoir '44Edelston, Sam
Merchant of VenusJarrett, Roger
Monsters Menace AmericaTrahan, Todd
Napoleon at WaterlooColeman, Terry
Naval WarMiller, Jeff
NavegadorMartin, Chad
OrleansMartin, Chad
PanzerblitzSharp, John
Paths of GloryGregorio, Alex
PaydirtColeman, Terry
Pirate's CoveMorgen, Alyssa
Power GridLeWinter, Steven
Pro GolfSousa, Christopher
Puerto RicoLind, Thomas
Quirky QuarksLeWinter, Steven
Ra!Buehler, Randy
Ra: The Dice GameThiessen, Matthew
Race for the GalaxyMorris, Cary
Railways of the WorldIsgur, Ben
Republic of RomeDetwiler, Brady
Robo RallySpencer, David
RootHenning, Nicholas
Russian RailroadsCollins II, Curt
SagradaVaz, Michael
Saint PetersburgMiller, Rick
San JuanDent, Keith
Santa Fe RailsCorrado, John
ScytheWildes, Chris
SekigaharaMishler, Dennis
Small WorldCollinson, Joseph
Space BaseMartin, Chad
Space Station: PhoenixLahut, Matt
Splendorde Bellefeuille, Francois
Squad LeaderStranger, Eric
Star Wars: Outer RimMcCulloch, Sean
Star Wars: Queen's GambitMcCulloch, Sean
Star Wars: RebellionStein, Eric
Stock Car Championship RacingZambrano, Heidi
Stone AgeBorton, DJ
Storm over JerusalemMaly, Andrew
Superstar BaseballRogers, Tim
Terraforming MarsMartin, Andrew
The Barracks EmperorDyer, Bill
The Napoleonic WarsBeyma, Richard
The Russian CampaignOhlin, John
Through the AgesChauvin, Carl
Thunder AlleyCollins II, Curt
Thurn & TaxisRule, Amy
Ticket To RideSt. Pierre, Robert
TitandesJardins, David
Titan 2-PlayerWines, Arthur
Titan The ArenaFrank, Zachary
TransamericaWolfe, David
Twilight StruggleChauvin, Carl
Twilight Struggle: Red SeaSampson, Paul
Union PacificShambeda, Steve
Up FrontEmery, John
Vegas ShowdownKaltman, Mike
Versailles 1919Emery, John
Victory in the PacificPack, John
Virgin QueenWilliams, Gareth
Wabash CannonballNelson Jr, Marc
War At SeaDrozd, Robert
War of the RingMartin, Jeromey
Washington's WarPei, James
WaterlooMenzel, Ed
Wilderness WarLaDue, Grant
Win, Place,& ShowFox, Craig
WingspanMartin, Andrew
Wooden Ships & Iron MenWhipple, Derek