
WBC 2024 Winners
Event |
Winner |
7 Wonders | Gochnauer, Aaron |
7 Wonders Duel | Katz, Chris |
878 Vikings | Schneider, David |
1775 | Wolff, Jack |
18xx | Beard, Bruce |
1930 | de Bellefeuille, Francois |
A World at War | Miller, Brad |
Ace of Aces | Burch, William |
Acquire | Alfieri, Tony |
Across Suez | Coleman, Terry |
Adel Verpflichtet | Meyaard, David |
Advanced Civilization | Spencer, Jay |
Afrika Korps | Sinigaglio, Bruno |
Age of Renaissane | Mullally, Theodore |
Agricola | Martin, Andrew |
Air Baron | Kircher, Rob |
Alhambra | Gutermuth, Debbie |
Amun Re | Flowers, Rob |
Ark Nova | Niu, Bowen |
ASL Starter Kit | Pulhamus, Derek |
Atlantic Storm | Buetikofer, Eric |
Attack Sub | Nicholson, Dennis |
Auction | Monnin, Bruce |
Automobile | Borton, DJ |
Azul | Liu, Hsiu-Ping |
B-17 | Gallagher, Patrick |
Battle Cry | Heintzelman, Geoff |
Battle for Germany | Cota, Bruce |
Battle Line | McCulloch, Sean |
Battles of the Am Rev | Doane, Rob |
Beyond the Sun | Wu, Jeff |
Bitter Woods | Gregorio, Tom |
Bleeding Kansas | Trimmer, Chris |
Border Reivers | Dickerson, Bill |
Boxcars | Jackson, Jeff |
Brass | Naylor, Jonathan |
Breakout Normandy | Thompson, Nels |
Britannia | Flachsenhar, Clifford |
Can't Stop | Kaltman, Aaron |
Carcassonne | Powers, Aubrey |
Cascadia | Woods, Bronwyn |
Castles of Burgundy | Tircuit, Anastasia |
Castles of Mad King Ludwig | Emerick, Andrew |
Catan | Schilb, Randy |
Catan: Cities & Knights | Gnech, Chris |
Championship Formula Racing | Schultz, Jason |
Charioteer | Kalmbacher, Chris |
Circus Maximus | Galullo, Doug |
Combat Commander | Wagner, Nathan |
Commands & Colors: Napoleonics | DeWitt, Brian |
Commands & Colors: Samurai Battles | de Bary, Ed |
Concordia | Jiang, Allan |
Conquest of Paradise | Weir, Erin |
Crokinole | Morris, Zacary |
Diplomacy | Elkins, Dan |
Dominion | D'Tela, Sceadeau |
Dune | Powers, Aidan |
Dune Imperium | Isgur, Ben |
Egizia | Swinson, Michael |
El Grande | Fox, Jay |
Empire Builder | Jackson, Jeff |
Enemy in Sight | Miller, Jeff |
Euphrat & Tigris | Wolff, Ray |
Everdell | Thiessen, Matthew |
Evolution | DuBoff, Max |
Facts In Five | Arvey, Jason |
Fire in the Lake | Tamburo, Joel |
Five Tribes | Wolff, Sam |
Football Strategy | Galullo, Doug |
For the People | Pei, James |
Formula De | Peeples, Stephen |
Galaxy Trucker | Moffitt, Craig |
Gangsters | Buccheri, Robert |
Great Campaigns of the ACW | Smith, Doug |
Great Western Trail | Henning, Nicholas |
Hannibal: Rome vs Carthage | Trimmer, Chris |
Heat | Gochnauer, Aaron |
Here I Stand | Kiefte, Michael |
History of the World | Hansen, Ty |
Imperial Struggle | Drueding, Tom |
Ingenious | Meyer, Jeff |
Innovation | Boone, Keith |
Ivanhoe | Gardner, Monica |
JamSumo | Meyaard, David |
John Company | LaDue, Grant |
King of Tokyo | Powers, Tegan |
Kremlin | Hurd, Adam |
Las Vegas | Shea, Jordan |
Leaping Lemmings | Boone, Keith |
Liar's Dice | Shea, Lynda |
Lords of Waterdeep | Stalica, Jack |
Lost Cities | Davis, Heather |
Lost Ruins of Arnak | Henning, Nicholas |
March Madness | Mullet, Jeff |
MBT | Jongeling, Ronald |
Medici | Roeper, Sean |
Memoir '44 | Edelston, Sam |
Merchant of Venus | Jarrett, Roger |
Monsters Menace America | Trahan, Todd |
Napoleon at Waterloo | Coleman, Terry |
Naval War | Miller, Jeff |
Navegador | Martin, Chad |
Orleans | Martin, Chad |
Panzerblitz | Sharp, John |
Paths of Glory | Gregorio, Alex |
Paydirt | Coleman, Terry |
Pirate's Cove | Morgen, Alyssa |
Power Grid | LeWinter, Steven |
Pro Golf | Sousa, Christopher |
Puerto Rico | Lind, Thomas |
Quirky Quarks | LeWinter, Steven |
Ra! | Buehler, Randy |
Ra: The Dice Game | Thiessen, Matthew |
Race for the Galaxy | Morris, Cary |
Railways of the World | Isgur, Ben |
Republic of Rome | Detwiler, Brady |
Robo Rally | Spencer, David |
Root | Henning, Nicholas |
Russian Railroads | Collins II, Curt |
Sagrada | Vaz, Michael |
Saint Petersburg | Miller, Rick |
San Juan | Dent, Keith |
Santa Fe Rails | Corrado, John |
Scythe | Wildes, Chris |
Sekigahara | Mishler, Dennis |
Small World | Collinson, Joseph |
Space Base | Martin, Chad |
Space Station: Phoenix | Lahut, Matt |
Splendor | de Bellefeuille, Francois |
Squad Leader | Stranger, Eric |
Star Wars: Outer Rim | McCulloch, Sean |
Star Wars: Queen's Gambit | McCulloch, Sean |
Star Wars: Rebellion | Stein, Eric |
Stock Car Championship Racing | Zambrano, Heidi |
Stone Age | Borton, DJ |
Storm over Jerusalem | Maly, Andrew |
Superstar Baseball | Rogers, Tim |
Terraforming Mars | Martin, Andrew |
The Barracks Emperor | Dyer, Bill |
The Napoleonic Wars | Beyma, Richard |
The Russian Campaign | Ohlin, John |
Through the Ages | Chauvin, Carl |
Thunder Alley | Collins II, Curt |
Thurn & Taxis | Rule, Amy |
Ticket To Ride | St. Pierre, Robert |
Titan | desJardins, David |
Titan 2-Player | Wines, Arthur |
Titan The Arena | Frank, Zachary |
Transamerica | Wolfe, David |
Twilight Struggle | Chauvin, Carl |
Twilight Struggle: Red Sea | Sampson, Paul |
Union Pacific | Shambeda, Steve |
Up Front | Emery, John |
Vegas Showdown | Kaltman, Mike |
Versailles 1919 | Emery, John |
Victory in the Pacific | Pack, John |
Virgin Queen | Williams, Gareth |
Wabash Cannonball | Nelson Jr, Marc |
War At Sea | Drozd, Robert |
War of the Ring | Martin, Jeromey |
Washington's War | Pei, James |
Waterloo | Menzel, Ed |
Wilderness War | LaDue, Grant |
Win, Place,& Show | Fox, Craig |
Wingspan | Martin, Andrew |
Wooden Ships & Iron Men | Whipple, Derek |